
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Episode 33: Brandon Bateman (Marine Veteran, Military Consultant)
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Recorded in Periphery's tour bus, Matt and Jake Bowen (Periphery, EP32) sit down with Brandon Bateman to chat his history in the military, most specifically his time in the field and how it's shaped his views on how men and authoritative jobs are viewed in society today. They discuss the measure and expectations of a "man" in the context of the military and in the civilian world and dig heavily into Brandon's work educating law enforcement officers, EMT's, veterans, and other victims of trauma on how to cope with stress. Evangelizing the term "Post Traumatic Growth", Brandon hopes to lead a movement from the ground level all the way up to the federal level in order to create support programs for local enforcement officers who currently have limited options after experiencing trauma. Brandon also discusses the "worst day of his life" and how its shaped his worldview today, and digs deep into the differences between anxiety vs. true fear.
Join our community to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants/
Official Sponsor: Nat-A-Tat2, Visit nat-a-tat2.com and use checkout code CHOCOLATE25 for 25% off all products!
Edited, mixed, and mastered by Jeff Lang (jeffreywlangjr@gmail.com)

Monday Nov 13, 2017
Episode 32: Jake Bowen (Periphery)
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Monday Nov 13, 2017
This week on the podcast we have Jake Bowen of Periphery being interviewed by Matt while they’re both on the road performing shows with the band. Recorded in the back of their tour bus, the two discuss life on the road, the change and growth of the band’s dynamic over the many years of touring, and how Jake has matured through the process. One specific topic the guys dive into is bullying. As a kid Jake moved around a bit and was often the “new kid” in school. This opened him up to bullying and forced him to develop thick skin while learning how to get good at being on his own much of the time. Despite the sad nature of the topic, Jake explains his experience from a positive and optimistic standpoint with an inspiring view for others.
Join our community to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants/
Official Sponsor: Nat-A-Tat2, Visit nat-a-tat2.com and use checkout code CHOCOLATE25 for 25% off all products!
Edited, mixed, and mastered by Jeff Lang (jeffreywlangjr@gmail.com)

Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Episode 31: Matt Ellin (Musician, Articulate Teen)
Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Matt Ellin is 18. He just released his debut, full length, solo album which has gained considerable attention in Baltimore resulting in radio airplay and headlining shows. He is also a former music student of Jordan, in what was his most unique set of lessons. Matt is really smart, really interesting, and really funny. In Episode 31 we dig into his relatively short journey as a musician and what it's like putting together a full record as a solo artist. He shares about the unconventional high school he attended and how it helped him develop as an artist. We go deep into social anxiety, self-confidence, ego-driven motivations, and pizza chain restaraunts. Matt Halpern sat this one out as he's on tour with Periphery, but having this Matt join us was our obvious first choice. If you can't find inspiration in this dude's story, we're not sure where you will.
Join our community to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants/
Official Sponsor: Nat-A-Tat2, Visit nat-a-tat2.com and use checkout code CHOCOLATE25 for 25% off all products!
Edited, mixed, and mastered by Jeff Lang (jeffreywlangjr@gmail.com)

Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Episode 30: We Answer Your Questions
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Episode 30 is all about you. Well...the "you" as represented in our CC Facebook group. In addition to Matt chatting about the US tour he leaves for this week (and why he missed Knotfest in Mexico), we answer and discuss many of your questions. Topics include: the stories of our tattoos and how they represent who we are, balancing multiple projects at once, how we deal with assholes and negative people, refocusing after a setback, intermittent fasting, and more. (We also invite you to collaborate with us.) We did 30! GOOD!
Join our community to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants/
Official Sponsor: Nat-A-Tat2, Visit nat-a-tat2.com and use checkout code CHOCOLATE25 for 25% off all products!

Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Episode 29: Wes Hauch
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Wes has been described as "the guitar player's guitar player" by many in the metal scene. In this episode we dig into our philosophies of learning an instrument and developing one’s voice as a musician. Wes discusses his future goals as a musician, both personally and professionally, and his strategies to achieve them. He talks about his experiences serving in the U.S. Navy, why he joined, and how it influenced him. We answer a handful of questions from the CC Facebook group including the importance of routine in one's life. Recorded live from our individual homes and in Wes’ car...we bring to you Episode 29!
Join our community to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants/
Official Sponsor: Nat-A-Tat2, Visit nat-a-tat2.com and use checkout code CHOCOLATE25 for 25% off all products!

Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Episode 28: JP Bouvet (Childish Japes)
Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Sunday Oct 15, 2017
You may have first heard of JP when he won the 2011 Guitar Center Drum Off, as part of the Common Thread Clinic tour with Matt, or through his band Childish Japes. Or maybe this is your official introduction. Either way, it’s our mission to share a lesser known side of our guests. In EP28 we dig deep into JP’s morning routine and the differences between life on the road and at home in NYC. We also chat meditation, nutrition, and having the guts to travel the world alone. (Spoiler alert: this was just the first half of our conversation until a barstool went out and a mic knocked over, cutting our feed to ensure that the last half of this chat becomes a part of CC mythology.) Part 2 will happen in the coming months.
Join our community to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants/

Monday Oct 09, 2017
Episode 27: Misha Mansoor (Periphery)
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Misha is the founder and guitarist of Matt's band, Periphery. Together they've toured the world, realized personal dreams, and were even nominated for a Grammy this year. In EP27 they discuss in detail the future of Periphery, including how they'd like to operate as a band in a 2018 world. They also share their most difficult moments as bandmates. This was Jordan and Justin's first time connecting with Misha which added a unique dynamic from the average interview you'd find elsewhere. Misha doesn't "really do podcasts," but he did ours! Find out why!
Join our community to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants/

Monday Oct 02, 2017
Episode 26: John Minadakis (Jimmy's Famous Seafood)
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Monday Oct 02, 2017
(If you're into pro wrestling, this will be the defining episode for you.) John and his brothers took over their dad's restaurant business as kids. It took about a decade to figure it out for themselves, but John has now helped grow Jimmy's Famous Seafood into a truly international brand. What struck us most was his character. He has a warrior spirit when it comes to business, but a big heart when it comes to people. He does right by his team and his community. Listen to find out how pro wrestling has been a blueprint of his success. And to top it off...he's an actual pro wrestler too! Download or tap! (jimmysfamousmeals.com, use our code CHOCOLATE at checkout for 10% off!)
Join our community to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants/

Sunday Sep 24, 2017
Episode 25
Sunday Sep 24, 2017
Sunday Sep 24, 2017
Life is messy. We've experienced some of the best and worst of life this week. We dig into this and our experience of "control." Matt shares about the new drum clinics he began this week, Jordan announces the new dream job he began, and Justin inspires a social experiment for our Facebook group. We also discuss music education and communication philosophies, and how the expression of ourselves in these ways offers a reflection of who we truly are. Much love for your attention this week.
Join our community to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants/

Sunday Sep 17, 2017
Episode 24: Finn McKenty (URM Academy & The Punk Rock MBA)
Sunday Sep 17, 2017
Sunday Sep 17, 2017
When we think of marketing in a 2017 world, Finn is one of the first that comes to mind. He's been instrumental in some of Matt's most successful projects and shares his wisdom for over 2 hours with us. He shares his experiences contributing to many well known companies and reveals how the hardcore kids make shit happen at Abercrombie & Fitch. We go deep into mental health which not enough of us do in this culture. We ask if higher education still matters and question our own personal responsibility in our lives. This just scratches the surface of Episode 24. (There's also a dog...we think it's Tyson, but we're waiting for confirmation). Finn is the man...find out why. (finnmckenty.com)
Join our community to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants/