
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Episode 64: Geoffrey Blake (Global Gratitude)
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Self-described, "Grateful Human," Geoffrey Blake joins Matt, Jordan, and Justin for his second time! (Revisit Ep40 for Geoff's origin story) He now lives on Maui, got himself a wife, and went ALL IN on his global gratitude movement. We all look to Geoff as a leader and ask him about his daily routines related to health, movement, mindset, and more. He's legit one of the kindest, most genuine people we know and his light shines through on this episode.
Join Geoffrey's private Faceebook group for daily, thoughtful gratitude prompts: Global Gratitude Jar
We want to connect with you! Join our private, supportive Facebook group full of creatives from around the world: facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants or search "Chocolate Croissants" in Groups.

Monday Apr 27, 2020
Episode 63: Bill Oberrender (Merch Manager for Hatebreed)
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Bill Oberrender joins Matt, Jordan, and Joe for a chat covering resilience, social awareness, and adaptability both on the road and during a pandemic. "Wild" Bill lives up to his moniker as one of our most entertaining and engaging returning guests. As a well respected, grizzled young veteran of the road (tour manager, merch manager, lighting director), Bill has stories and wisdom for days on how to cut it in live music. Bill takes us through immediately wrapping a European tour and making his way back to the US just as the travel ban was announced. Later on, Matt (passionately) shares the process he underwent when he definitively decided to pursue a career in music. He explains the simple, yet powerful exercise he used to help him identify his vision forward.
We want to connect with you! Join our private, supportive Facebook group full of creatives from around the world: facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants or search "Chocolate Croissants" in Groups.

Monday Apr 20, 2020
Episode 62: Dez Nagle (GetGood Drums)
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Dez (Good Tiger, Former Wrestlers, GGD) joins Matt, Jordan, and Justin from his new home out west. He shares how he's been adjusting to this new life rhythm. We examine our relationships with control, trust, and acceptance as it relates to navigating the pandemic. We discuss culture and community more broadly as we're all interconnected in both spread and solution. Toward the end we dig into a helpful graphic that's been positively viral...offering us a model of self awareness.
We want to connect with you! Join our private, supportive Facebook group full of creatives from around the world: facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants or search "Chocolate Croissants" in Groups.

Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Episode 61: Benny Greb
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
The legend returns. Benny (in Germany) joins Matt and Jordan (in the US) and Joe (in the UK) for a chat that left us inspired and feeling GOOD. You know by now what to expect from these CC chats: self care, routines, managing stress and anxiety, productivity...we get deep into it with one of our favorite musicians. Benny also shares how his personal and professional life has shifted during his time at home. He gives us some insight into the book he's working on and details his family's daily gratitude practice. Interested in cold showers? We got you too! Peace, love, and croissants.
We want to connect with you! Join our private, supportive Facebook group full of creatives from around the world: facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants or search "Chocolate Croissants" in Groups.

Friday Apr 03, 2020
Episode 60: Jeff Holcomb (Periphery Lighting Designer)
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
We welcome back world-class friend and lighting designer, Jeff Holcomb! Jeff shares his daily morning rituals that help mitgate anxiety and sets his day up for success. We continue exploring the healing potential of breathing from personal experiences. Matt shares a Dunkin' story that allows us to investigate our body's stress (fight or flight) response from cognitive, emotional, and biological perspectives. The concept of hope is introduced and given the attention it deserves.
Apologies for it sounding like everyone but Matt was recording from a spaceship. Joe Hamilton was not present to save us in the moment. We felt this conversation was helpful for us personally and believe it may be helpful for you. Also, respect to Jeff for reminding us to light from behind the camera!
We want to connect with you! Join our private, supportive Facebook group full of creatives from around the world: facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants or search "Chocolate Croissants" in Groups.
World Health Organization (WHO): https://www.who.int/
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): https://www.cdc.gov/

Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Episode 59: Finding The Opportunities In This
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
It's Week 2 of Quarantine Season! We welcome back Joe Hamilton from the comfort of his organized desk in Keynsham, UK. Our Facebook community gave us the questions that guided our conversations. We look for the opportunities to improve ourselves during this time of relative isolation, discuss the importance of developing a breathing practice, being mindful about our news and information intake, the possibilities of VR, and Joe gives his Toy Story 4 review (Spoiler: he cried).
We want to connect with you! Join our private, supportive Facebook group full of creatives from around the world: facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants or search "Chocolate Croissants" in Groups.

Friday Mar 20, 2020
Episode 58: We're Back, And Socially Distanced
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
It's been a minute. Or like a year...and a few things have changed since the last time we recorded. But we're in this together. Join us as we chat from the safety of our individual homes. Simply, two brothers and a good friend processing what the fuck is happening in real time. We cover mental health, information intake, productivity, social support, and frozen pizza. We got this!
We want to connect with you! Join our private, supportive Facebook group full of creatives from around the world: facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants or search "Chocolate Croissants" in Groups.
Audio assist by good human:
Joe Hamilton - @joe_ggd

Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
Episode 57: 2018 Reunion
Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
Holy shit...we back! This isn't like every other "year in review" podcast out there...mostly because it's 3 secular Jews catching up on a Wednesday while on Facebook Live for an episode that drops on Christmas. We chat all the reasons we haven't been podcasting week to week and the vision moving forward. Simply, it's 3 friends catching up as Chocolate Croissants was intended to be. We talk about Kevin the Bunny, Kevin the Drummer, and Matt's wedding. We reference Periphery, Onnit, Ring of Honor, Raindeer, Alexei, and completely avoid cryptocurrency and Tiny Toon Adventures. <3
Join our community to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants/
Official Sponsor: RØDE Microphones
Audio Assist: Joe Hamilton (www.prismrecordingsuk.com)

Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Episode 55: Daniel Barreda (Army Veteran) Re-Air
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
This is a re-air of Episode 20 from August 2017, one of our most well received and emotional episodes to date with a new Intro and Outro.
This was one emotional episode by one amazing gentleman. Daniel joined us in the CCCompound to share his incredible story. He had a unique childhood, served over a year in Iraq, lost use of his left arm in a motorcycle accident, developed an opiate addiction in his physical therapy which led to heroin use, and gained significant weight in drug rehab...but now is healthy and in school to become a Registered Dietician. Dude is inspirational as fuck and articulate to boot. He could be "all time" as a motivational figure if he wants, and it's our honor to offer our platform to Daniel to share his story for the first time!
Join our community to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants/
Official Sponsor: RØDE Microphones
Audio Assist: Joe Hamilton (www.prismrecordingsuk.com)

Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Episode 54: Adam Janzi (Vola Drummer)
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Adam Janzi is a young drummer from Sweden. He’s been a student of Matt’s for years and in this episode he shares information about himself and his journey which proves he is wise beyond his years. He struggled with severe social anxiety, physical ailments, and the loss of his father, but that hasn’t stopped him from reaching for his dreams as a drummer, performer, and man with a drive that pushes beyond any and all of his fears. Enjoy this episode, as there is a lot to learn about perseverance and believing in one’s self.
Join our community to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chocolatecroissants/
Official Sponsor: RØDE Microphones
Audio Assist: Joe Hamilton (www.prismrecordingsuk.com)